Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The meaning and factors for Culture change

Cultural change

Culture does not remain stagnant since it is influenced by the life of the societies. As the system of life change can therefore be define as a process in which societies charges their pattern of culture. The following are some of the factors which influenced cultural change;

1. Internal factors; These are forced which emerge within the societies and cause the system of life to change so as to cope with the new environment .one of best example of the internal forced that can lead to cultural change is invention of new technology.

2. External factors; cultural change can be traced as far back as to the time when African continent started to have a with different country from a board. Those countries came with their way of life like dressing styles, language, religion and education.

Other factors influencing cultural change

  • Migration/immigration; This is the movement of people from one place to another such as from rural to urban and from one country to another. A person may be affected by the ways of life of the destination area

  • Communication; Always people communicate with other from different parts of the world. As explained before that people differ in culture and total system of life. Through communication, people imitate new culture from different groups.

  • Liberalization polices; means removing something that bring restrictions. Liberalization policies can be in political, economic and social aspect.

  • Influence of socialization agents; include peer group, schools, religion and mass media socialization agent are instrument through which a person can learn and get different information about the society.


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