Monday, July 2, 2018

Reasons for armed struggle in Zimbabwe and Factors which contributed to the attainment of Zimbabwe independence

Armed Struggle

Actual armed struggle in Zimbabwe began in 1960 and it was facilitated by the military living of ZAPU and ZANU which were known as ZIPRA and ZANLA respectively. The movement of these military livings took the form of Guerilla warfare by using neighboring land such as Zambia, Mozambique and Angola. The struggle was intensified from 1976 following the alliance between ZAPU and ZANU which formed the Patriotic Front (P.F).

Reasons for armed struggle in Zimbabwe

  • Zimbabwe had a lot of settlers who occupied large areas of fertile land. These settlers were not ready to leave the land and grant independence. This situation led the black people to engage in armed struggle in order to gain their national independence.

  • The peaceful means or constitutional methods failed to work in Zimbabwe, hence it was necessary to use armed struggle in order to regain true political independence.

  • Economically, Zimbabwe was a rich colony; hence the colonizers didn’t easily surrender.Ian Smith, UDI (Unilateral Declaration of Independence) government created in 1965 made the situation more difficult for African majority to gain their independence.

  • The “State of Emergency” in Zimbabwe banned all African political movement like ZANU, ZAPU, ANC and NDP.

  • African nationalist leaders like Joshua Inkomo and others were imprisoned or detained. They were banned to operate political movements peacefully.

  • There was disunity among the African leaders e.g. Bitter tribalistic differences which existed among Bishop Abel Muzolewa, Rev. Ndabaningi, Sithole, Joshua Inkomo and Robert Mugabe.

Factors which contributed to the attainment of Zimbabwe independence.
  • The bodied leadership of Robert Mugabe and Ndabaningi Sithiole. These leaders used effective methods such as negotiation and warfare which led Zimbabwe to attain her independence.

  • Contribution of Mass media such as magazine and newspapers which were used to expose the evils of the colonialists. These Mass Media also educated Africans on the need of majority rule.

  • The contribution made by ZIPRA and ZANLA. These freedom fighters directed their assault on the government. This really shocked the settler and their government as a result they arose peaceful negotiation with African.

  • The release of Joshua Nkomo and Ndabaningi Sithole from the prison. They invigorated the people with new morale to fight for their independence.

  • The role played by organization of African Union (OAU). OAU members fought in supporting Zimbabwe nationalists, e.g. Kenya, Zambia and Tanzania were used as the home of liberation movements of Zimbabwean.

  • The independence of Angola and Mozambique in 1975 rejuvenated the morale of the freedom fighter of Zimbabwe. Angola and Mozambique were used as the base for organizing the attacks.


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