Friday, September 22, 2017

how to make $510 per month at school

How to make 40,000 tshs daily at your  school while working

A small business a teacher can do at his or her school (while working)

Due to the on going situations of Teachers life hardship caused to low salary, Loan board deduction, lack of increment and salary scales which are not upgradable in the past two years, I have came up with the list of small business in which a teacher can do or start at school so as to overcome the on going life hardship situation. In other word to these are small businesses which will increase your home income and live without depending on your salary.

The following are the list of these small business and their descriptions in brief, such as follows:-

· Selling books, pens, pencils at school. This will help you to get few cents which will make get the money for your breakfast and other need. However, as I have said earlier that, it is small businesses so do not expect to become rich, since your costumers are students.

· Selling clips of potatoes and or bananas. These clips should be packed in small size packages which will be sold for either 200 hundred shillings or lower than that price. If you will sell 200 packages per day at school then it will belike this, 200 x 200 = 40,000/= per day. There fore if you will be selling 200 packages the times 28 days you will be making ( 200 x 40,000 = 1,120,000/= But you must have a person who will work with you.

· Selling popcorn. This business is the same to the above business, there fore if you pack your popcorns into a small size packages which will be able to sell them for 200Tshs, and then able to sell out 200 packages per day, then you will be making the same money as I have already explained above. That is 1,120,000/= per month.

· Selling chapatti at school. You will also be making money if you will sell more chapatti per day, The minimum price of a single chapatti now days is 200Tshs. The imagine that you will sell 200 chapatti per day, it means that you will be making 1,120,000/= per 28 days( That is per month)

· You may also wish to sell fried bananas (one will be sold for 100tshs) boiled sweet potatoes, pancake and so on. Remember if you will sell more then you will earn more money.

· If you want to calculate just make calculations and see if it has profit, consider the availability of these products and how to prepare them.

· You may open up a school canteen and or restaurant. Opening restaurant at school depend on the school location and school environment. This is not applicable in all schools, and needs workers who will work for you and you will pay them.

Related businesses you can do at school are as follows:-

1. Opening up stationary, remember opening up the stationary need small capital as you will need to buy desk top computers, you can buy two desktop computers, if you are capable of buying two. (Minimum price for one desktop computer is 200,000 at kariakoo, Dar es Salaam). Buy camera, copier machine, you can get it for 1M. With some Points or above. Remember also to buy a camera for passport size, and also photo printer like canon selfy, which you can get for 300000tshs. Consider also buying other stationary materials and start up your business and making money at schools. The school can be your partner and you can get contract from your school and nearby schools.

2. You may also lend your motorcycle to your fellow teachers, those who wish to rush at town faster ( Boda boda)


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